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Press release 30 March 2023

No:175/23, Response of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aykhan Hajizada to the media's question regarding the views expressed by the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan during the government meeting on March 30, 2023

Question: On March 30, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan during the government meeting, as well as during the Democracy Summit held online on March 29, once again voiced slanderous views against Azerbaijan. How would you comment them?


Answer: Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan's attempts to manipulate the situation in the region are unacceptable. It is no secret that Armenia continues its aggressive activities by giving itself off as a democracy.


Prime Minister’s misinterpretation of the temporary decision of the International Court of Justice regarding the Lachin road once again and his claims on Azerbaijan’s alleged closure of the Lachin road are groundless.


At the same time, it is unacceptable for Prime Minister of Armenia to regard as occupation appropriate control measures taken by units of Azerbaijan Army without the use of force to prevent the use of unpaved roads by Armenia for illegal activities in the north of the Lachin road, which are the sovereign territories of Azerbaijan, as well as to ward off Armenia’s intention to further escalate the situation by transporting weapons and ammunition to the territories of Azerbaijan and to prevent potential provocations.


Preventing the illegal activities of Armenia, which intensified the transportation of manpower, ammunition, mines, as well as other military equipment for its armed forces in the areas of temporary deployment of the Russian peacekeeping contingent in the territories of Azerbaijan from its territory, is the sovereign right of Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan is determined to implement all necessary measures in this direction.


Furthermore, the fact that the information on assuming of control of several commanding heights, main and auxiliary roads, as well as large areas along the border located between the villages of Jaghazur and Zabukh of the Lachin district, concerning the commissioning of the new Lachin road, was met with tension by Armenia, and that the Prime Minister commented on this information during his speech is hard to understand.


It is known that the Armenian Prime Minister's denial of the presence of the armed forces of Armenia on the territory of Azerbaijan is not in accord with the statements that the armed forces have not yet been withdrawn of other officials of Armenia and the Ministry of Defense, which are under his direct authority


We remember Armenia’s claims, which conflicted with the facts, that its forces did not occupy Azerbaijan for 30 years well. Such claims of Armenia have repeatedly been proven to be groundless, and UN Security Council resolutions have demanded the unconditional and immediate withdrawal of armed forces of Armenia. Armenia must completely withdraw its forces from the territory of Azerbaijan in accordance with the Trilateral Statement.


Armenia must give up its territorial claims against Azerbaijan. Instead of inviting international organizations to Azerbaijan and interfering in its internal affairs, it should instead fulfill its obligations.


It is a known fact that Armenia had ramped up its aggressive rhetoric against Azerbaijan in recent weeks, committed provocations against armed forces of Azerbaijan on March 5 and 20, and gathered additional forces in the region. It is universally known that both during the 30-year occupation period and after 2020, Armenia, before preparing for any provocation, threw all the responsibility on Azerbaijan and committed provocations.


As for the absurd ideas voiced by Prime Minister about Azerbaijan's alleged intention to commit an act of ethnic cleansing and "genocide", let us note that throughout history, Azerbaijan has never targeted the civilian population despite the mass killings committed by Armenia against Azerbaijanis. Armenia's policy and actions of terrorism and mass destruction are recorded in history with all documentation, and denying it proves that Armenia has not given up on these acts.


These provocative statements of Armenia indicate its intention to deliberately disrupt the peace process against the backdrop of the revival of international efforts toward the establishment of peace in the region, and such steps must be resolutely prevented.

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