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Press release 08 May 2023

No:250/23, Commentary on fabricated allegation and so-called "trial process" against captured Azerbaijani servicemen

We strongly condemn the fabricated "trial process" by Armenia against Babirov Agshin and Akhundov Huseyn, and the so-called "decision" regarding the arrest of Babirov Agshin, who are the soldiers of Azerbaijani Army went missing and captured by Armenia along the border region with the Shahbuz district of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic in April of this year. 


Armenia, which subjects Azerbaijani soldiers to brutal physical torture, also subjects them to moral and psychological suffering through such an artificial trial process.


With such irresponsible behavior, Armenia once again demonstrates that it ignores its legal responsibility under international humanitarian law, the calls of the international community for the release of hostages, and the principles of humanism.


This fabricated step demonstrates Armenia’s failure to reciprocate to the confidence-building measures of Azerbaijan for the immediate and unconditional return of the Armenian prisoners, especially of more than 10 soldiers who were released from capture after they lost their way and crossed the border, shows that Armenia is not interested in reconciliation and confidence-building measures in the region. With this behavior, the responsibility for undermining confidence-building efforts falls entirely on Armenia.


Armenia must stop such provocative actions, which is a gross violation of international humanitarian law, and should release the hostages immediately.


We call on international community, relevant international organizations and non-governmental organizations to exert serious influence and pressure on Armenia for the soonest release of hostage soldiers, and for their reunification with the family members.

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